Four Seasons (四季龙眼)


4 years old.
Height: 30″-40″.
Diameter: 0.5″-0.8″.



The Four Seasons longan is characterized by moderate growth vigor and a round-headed, open canopy. This variety can produce new shoots 4 to 6 times a year and is capable of flowering and fruiting multiple times annually. When planted in Yunxiao County, Zhangzhou, the growth cycle is as follows:

  • Spring Shoots: Sprout in early February, mature by the end of March.
  • Late Spring Shoots: Sprout in early April, mature by the end of May.
  • Summer Shoots: Two waves, one in late May and another in mid-July.
  • Autumn Shoots: Sprout in mid-September and mid-to-late October.
  • Winter Shoots: Sprout in November.

Flowering and Fruiting:

  • Main Crop: The flower spike growth period is in March, with flowering from early April to early May, and fruit ripening in early August. The main crop’s fruit clusters weigh 250-400 grams, with individual fruits weighing 9-12 grams. The soluble solids content is 20%-22%, and the edible rate is 65%.
  • Winter-Spring Fruit: These fruits are smaller, weighing 6-8 grams per fruit, with a soluble solids content of 16%-17%, and an edible rate of 58%-60%.

Fruit Characteristics:

  • Skin: Yellow-brown in color, with a twin-like structure and grayish-white net-like patterns. The skin is relatively thick.
  • Flesh: The flesh is crisp, intensely sweet, and easily separates from the seed.
  • Quality: According to tests conducted by the Zhangzhou Agricultural Products Testing Center, the main crop fruit has a soluble solids content of 23.0%, total acidity of 0.06%, and 62.6 mg/100 g of vitamin C.

The Four Seasons Longan is a high-yield variety with multiple fruiting periods, offering fruits with high sweetness and quality across different seasons.

Additional information

Weight 15 lbs
Dimensions 40 × 7 × 7 in


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