Prince Anhai (王子安海杨梅)


4 years old.
Height: 34″-40″
Diameter: 0.5″-0.8″.



Also known as Taiwan yangmei, it blooms in mid-to-late February and the fruit matures in mid-May, 15-20 days earlier than Dongkui. Generally, a single fruit weighs about 18-23 grams. The fruit is round, purple-black in color, soft and tough, contains 12-14% soluble solids, and has a sweet and slightly sour flavor. The taste is better than Dongkui. It will not fall in large quantities like Dongkui even if it rains. It can be stored for 3-5 days at room temperature after picking. It is more resistant to storage and easier to transport than Dongkui.

Additional information

Weight 15 lbs
Dimensions 40 × 7 × 7 in


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